Agriculture & Horticulture
The Lincoln County Extension Agriculture Agent brings knowledge and first-hand experience to bear on the problems of county ranchers, producers and growers. Newcomers and native county residents rely on this knowledge to help them plant native species on their properties. The Agriculture Agent is also there to help with gardening suggestions and research based information on which plants are attractive, drought-tolerant, and use minimal amounts of water; learn about and destroy invasive/noxious weeds; and deal with unfamiliar insects, reptiles and animals.
For centuries, Lincoln County ranchers have run cattle and sheep operations, with most ranches being family-owned and operated for many generations. The Hondo Valley still has a few productive apple orchards, some dating back to the days of the Lincoln County War.
In the past decade, the county has had an influx of newcomers, whose entrepreneurial endeavors have diversified the agriculture and horticultural picture. Llamas and alpacas; specialty dairies; raspberries, hydroponic greenhouses, commercial flower and herb gardens, cherry and apple orchards; Halflingers, Arabian horses and other specialty equine breeds are now bringing money and visitors to the county.
Water is our most important and limited resource. Custom, culture, development, and drought make water use and management critical issues and subjects of hot debate.